Hospital negligently discharged client from hospital causing fatal injury.
Client was killed while servicing defective oil well.
Young girl was attacked by dog and seriously injured.
Fall case
Canadian County – Client arrested and charged with Domestic Violence – DISMISSED and COMPLETELY EXPUNGED!
Canadian County – Victim’s Protected Order issued against client – DISMISSED and EXPUNGED!
Oklahoma County- Client initially charged with Felony Assault and Battery on a Police Office, Resisting Arrest, and Public Intoxication- All Arrest and Court Records Completely Expunged
Comanche County- Client charged with DUI- All Arrest and Court Records Completely Expunged
Client charged with Leaving the Scene of Accident Involving Property Damage and Reckless Driving in Federal Court- went to trial and Leaving the Scene was DISMISSED upon a motion for direct verdict, and client was acquitted of reckless driving.
6/8/21 – Canadian County – Client charged with Felony Embezzlement