Dangerous Jobs in Oklahoma: Ranchers and Farmers
May 23, 2014 by Adler Markoff & Associates
Residents of Oklahoma, like everywhere else, need to do what they can to earn a living. For some, this involves facing down tangible danger every time they report to work. As a result, these people face significant risks on a daily basis and many are not sure where to turn for help if something goes wrong while they’re on the job. Two of these occupations that exist in Oklahoma are farmers and ranchers, and anyone who’s been harmed while performing these duties needs to seek the help of an Oklahoma workers compensation attorney. In the meantime, below is a brief overview of why these jobs are so dangerous.
Farmers and ranchers must deal with several dangers on a daily basis. The foundation of the risk that’s present is that each occupation deals with deadlines that are sometimes tight and that require rushing in order to get certain duties completed on time. Failure to complete certain tasks within the prescribed time frame can seriously harm their income. Specifically, farmers and ranchers must deal with two dangers above others – large industrial equipment and large animals.
One of the most common problems that arises with industrial equipment involves their potential to become entangled in power lines. This can lead to electrocutions and other disasters. In addition, when this equipment is used on roads to move crops and other items, it can create confusion and risk for other drivers who are not accustomed to dealing with navigating around these large pieces of equipment.
Large animals present another form of danger. As much as animals on farms and ranches are controlled, they are still somewhat unpredictable. When a large number of these animals become unruly and volatile, there is little that can be done to calm them down. This is especially dangerous when a worker is caught in the middle of such a problem, as there could be no way out without enduring substantial harm.
Statistics show that on a national scale, farmers and ranchers earn an average of just over $32,000 per year, and their fatality rate is nearly 36 per 100,000 people. This adds up to a lot of serious injuries and deaths for people who often lack the funds to overcome these situations without legal help. If this includes you or someone you love, contact the Oklahoma workmans comp lawyers at AMA Law today to schedule a free initial consultation, as the firm has helped countless injured workers obtain justice.