Injuries can make for chaotic experiences. When injuries are serious enough to require medical attention and to cause time away from work, victims and their families can also feel additional personal and financial burdens. For injured workers who choose to file a workers’ compensation claim to recover medical benefits and wage supplementation, it is crucial to remain involved in your legal process. At times when injuries and struggles can be difficult, an Oklahoma workers’ compensation lawyer at AMA Law can help you navigate the workers’ comp process step by step.
Although working with an experienced lawyer can ensure that you take all the proper steps when filing your claim, obtaining benefits, and recovering from your injury, there are still a number of steps you can take to assist in your recovery. According to the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Court, injured workers do have responsibilities after they have filed a claim. A few measures you can take while receiving benefits include:
Stay in touch with your employer.
Attend appointments that have been made with physicians, insurers, and job counselors. When you miss appointments, you may be required to pay “no show” fees and may compromise the strength of your claim.
Follow treatment plans and instructions provided by doctors. If you do not follow treatment guidelines, you may risk having certain benefits terminated.
Work with vocational rehabilitations counselors.
You do not have to shoulder these responsibilities and burdens on your own. Work with a legal team that has more than 100 years of experience and is prepared to guide you through each stage of the workers’ compensation claim process and your recovery. Learn more about the ways in which we can help you file or appeal a claim by contacting an Oklahoma City Workers’ compensation attorney from AMA Law today.