If you or a loved one were hurt in an accident, you may already be struggling to get compensated. You may have trouble getting the funds you’re due, which are key to your recovery. While seeking help from a lawyer may not be required, they may be able to turn your claim into a success.
Whether you settle your injury case or go to trial, your personal injury lawyer will work tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome. After all, the majority of personal injury attorneys are compensated based on the outcome of a case. Here’s what we can do to help you.
Focus on Medical Attention
If something happens to you, you want to focus on your health, not your legal situation. While you are recovering, your attorney may act on your behalf to file a personal injury lawsuit against the person who hit you or the person who caused your injuries.
That leaves you with time and energy to focus on your health. Serious injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and severe emotional trauma can impact your quality of life. If you have been injured in a car accident, an experienced attorney can handle all of the complexities, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
Faster Compensation
If you do not seek legal advice, you will have to wait until you have recovered sufficiently to file a claim. But if you wait too long, your claim may be dismissed, leaving you without the funds for recovery. Your lawyer can help your claim move forward while you focus on your health.
After a personal injury accident, the perpetrator’s insurance agent can be extremely persuasive when negotiating a lower payment. They may claim that’s all your settlement is worth, or they may simply refuse to help. With a personal injury lawyer, you have a better chance of receiving fair compensation, not only what they’re willing to pay.
Guidance through the Litigation Process
A personal injury lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint. A complaint is a legal document that details your legal claim, the facts that support it, and the monetary damages you seek. After you file and save your complaint, you will receive a response. If they fail to respond or settle, your claim may go to court.
Depositions in most personal injury lawsuits can last several months and include witness interviews, document requests, and interrogatories. After all of the evidence has been gathered, the case will be set for trial, where your lawyer can seek the funds you’re due.
Winning a Personal Injury Lawsuit
In life, accidents are unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through them. If you have been injured in a car accident because of someone else’s negligence, you may need to seek legal assistance as soon as possible to recover your losses.
If you have been injured in an accident caused by someone else, you may need a personal injury attorney on your side. If you have questions specific to your claim, reach out for your free consultation with the lawyers at AMA Law. Call 405-708-7789 or fill out the online contact form below to learn more.