One of the first steps you should take after being involved in a car accident is to contact your insurance company. This is especially true if you were injured, and if the accident took place as the result of another party’s negligence or distraction. Filing a claim with your insurance provider or the insurer of the party responsible for the accident is imperative to your personal injury case, as it will show that you took action and followed proper procedure. Furthermore, an insurance claim will help you to receive compensation for your injuries and any damages. When you initially call the insurance company to submit your claim for a car accident, you can rest assure that they are going to investigate your claim thoroughly. And this also means that they will begin an investigation of you. While it is true that the investigation methods for insurance companies vary, they are likely looking for the same thing. When an insurance company begins an investigation of you and your particular claim, they are doing everything they can to confirm that your claim is, in fact, legitimate. In some cases, they may continue to dig into your past and investigate you, even after they have deemed your claim to be meritorious. Why, you ask? For starters, they want to be absolutely positive that the scope of your claim for damages is not fraudulent.
The idea of an insurance company investigating you and your claim can be intimidating, to say the least. This is where a personal injury lawyer from AMA Law will come in handy. We have extensive experience working with insurance companies and not only know what they are looking for, but have the tools and resources to make sure they don’t overstep their boundaries. Insurance fraud is no joking matter, and these companies will oftentimes do everything they can to show that you are at-fault, when this is not the case. When an insurance company begins their investigation and starts to question you, your friends, family, members, and neighbors, you will want an attorney from AMA Law by your side. Their investigation will not end until they are 100% satisfied that your claim and the damages you are seeking is legit. Here are a few great tips to help you get through this process without getting too stressed out:
- Stay Calm – One of the biggest mistakes people make when being investigated by an insurance company after an accident is to lose their cool. By reacting aggressively and negatively, they will assume you have something to hide. If you truly did nothing wrong, then let the insurance adjusters do their job and cooperate to the best of your ability.
- Don’t Hide Anything – If you have something to hide, chances are the insurance company will find it during their investigation. Being truthful and forthright with the insurance adjuster will help speed the process along and will prevent you from having to deal with any serious repercussions. Again, the intention of the investigation is to show no fraud is being committed and to help you pursue your personal injury claim against the party responsible for the accident.
- Know Your Limits – While cooperating with the investigation is encouraged, there may also come a point where you need to put down your foot and say ‘enough is enough’. If the investigation seems excessive, intrusive, or prolonged, contact an attorney from AMA Law in order to even the playing field.
Knowing what to expect from an insurance company after a serious accident is the first step to helping them conduct their investigation and allowing you to get on with your claim. If you have been involved in an accident that requires your insurance company to get involved, contact our Oklahoma law firm today.