The investigative show, 60 Minutes, recently aired a report claiming that flooring sold by Lumber Liquidators has disconcertingly high levels of formaldehyde in its wood products. Lumber Liquidators is a Chinese company that distributes its products throughout the United States, which has led to outrage and concern amongst citizens and government officials alike. Soon after the segment aired, Senator Bill Nelson (D-Florida) sent a letter asking the heads of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to test the company’s flooring highlighted by the 60 Minutes report. Since then, numerous consumers have filed a potential class action against Lumber Liquidators in federal court. Attorneys from AMA Law have been closely following the case and the potential lawsuits, ensuring we have all the information necessary to pursue legal action for those affected in Oklahoma.
What 60 Minutes Uncovered
During the 60 Minutes story, laminated wood that Lumber Liquidators sources from suppliers in China was tested and allegedly was found to contain more formaldehyde than its domestically sourced laminates and similar products sold by competitors. Additionally, the report showed apparent health and safety violations at some of the company’s factories in China.
After the report aired and Senator Nelson’s letter was unearthed, Lumber Liquidators responded, claiming they are committed to making sure its products are safe. They are also claiming that the news program used an improper testing method. However, both consumers and officials are stating that Lumber Liquidators has made false statements that its flooring products comply with formaldehyde standards.
Class Action Lawsuits Against Lumber Liquidators
As mentioned, there have been several class action lawsuits filed against Lumber Liquidators since the 60 Minutes report aired, several of which are out of California. The California plaintiffs say the Lumber Liquidators wood they purchased was falsely labeled as California Air Resources Board (CARB) compliant. Those siding with the news report and the plaintiffs say that tens of thousands of homes in California, and possible hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses nationwide, may be contaminated with toxic flooring sold by Lumber Liquidators.
Why Is Formaldehyde Dangerous?
Commonly used in building materials, resins, household products, and as an embalming agent, formaldehyde has been classified as a probable carcinogen by the EPA and was linked to causing cancer in humans by the National Academy of Sciences. Those who have been exposed to formaldehyde may suffer from respiratory problems, eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, nausea, chest pain, vomiting, and rashes. It has also been linked to some types of leukemia and cancer.
While Lumber Liquidators continues to stand by the safety of its products at this time, contact AMA Law today if you have purchased any flooring from this company. We will set up a consultation with you and go over your specific situation in order to determine whether or not you have a case.