A cab driver in Oklahoma City whose taxi was hit by a van going the wrong way on I-235 has died. The wrong-way driver struck Benny Wadsworth’s cab head-on in the accident, which took place late last week, and the 37-year-old taxi driver succumbed to his critical injuries and died on the morning of February 16, surrounded by his family members. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a serious accident in Oklahoma City, or elsewhere in Oklahoma, contact our knowledgeable attorneys at AMA Law as soon as possible. Our lawyers have extensive experience protecting the legal rights of car accident victims throughout the state, and will work diligently to help you and your family pursue the financial compensation you deserve for your losses.
According to police, the fatal car accident took place at about 3:30 a.m. along the Broadway Extension of I-235. A man driving a white van was reportedly headed northbound in the southbound lanes of the Oklahoma highway before striking Wadsworth’s taxi cab in a head-on collision. Firefighters extricated the driver from his van, and he was transported to a local hospital with unknown injuries. Riding in the back of Wadsworth’s taxi was passenger Warren Wand, who survived the crash, but Wadsworth wasn’t so lucky. “When you take the national statistics of how many miles a person drives in their lifetime and how the odds are of them being in an accident in that lifetime, you think about how much that multiplies for a cab driver who’s driving 10 or 12 hours a day,” said Wadsworth’s mother.
Police are still unsure why the man who hit Wadsworth was driving the wrong way on I-235, and they are currently investigating the cause of the accident. They are waiting on a toxicology report to determine if alcohol played a role in the wrong-way collision. Wrong-way accidents are, unfortunately, not an uncommon occurrence in Oklahoma and throughout the United States. According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), roughly 350 people are killed every year in wrong-way collisions. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by a wrong-way driver in Oklahoma, or if you lost a loved one in such an accident, consult our qualified lawyers at AMA Law today. You may have grounds to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the at-fault driver, in order to seek fair and timely reimbursement for the resulting injuries and medical expenses.