The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is partnering up with the National Service, Transmission, Exploration & Production Safety Network (STEPS) to sponsor a safety stand-down, running from January 24 through February 28. The goal of the safety stand-down is to promote safety and health practices at gas and oil exploration sites in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico. The oil and gas industry is inherently dangerous, and the lives of workers at oil and gas exploration sites are put at risk on a daily basis. If you have been injured in an on-the-job accident in Oklahoma, contact our knowledgeable attorneys at AMA Law to discuss your possible compensation options.
“This safety stand-down is an important effort to bring heightened safety and health awareness for workers in the oil and gas industry to identify and eliminate work-related hazards,” said an OSHA spokesperson in Dallas. “There is tremendous value in dedicating time during a workday to make a concerted effort to provide training.” Throughout the month-long event, participating companies can choose stand-down training events to take place at their work sites, and some employers have already committed to conducting site inspections, training workers, and documenting and eliminating hazards at oil and gas sites during the stand-down. OSHA will provide assistance and materials necessary for worker training.
STEPS is a volunteer organization founded in south Texas by OSHA and the oil and gas industry, in an effort to reduce workplace injuries and fatalities. The organization has grown to include 17 independent networks serving 15 oil- and gas-producing states across the country. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers in Oklahoma and throughout the country are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. The role of OSHA officials is to ensure these conditions for workers across the United States by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, assistance and education.
Far too often, workers in Oklahoma and across the nation are severely injured or killed in job site accidents that could have been avoided had employers or supervisors taken the appropriate steps to protect worker safety and health. Unfortunately, some employers choose to cut corners in an attempt to save time and money, putting the well-being of their workers at an unnecessary risk. If you have suffered serious injuries in a workplace accident in Oklahoma, or if you lost a loved one in such an accident, consult our qualified lawyers at AMA Law today. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits or additional compensation for your injuries and medical bills, which our experienced attorneys can help you pursue.