Tragedy swept through the town of Perkins, OK in May of 2010, when an 11-year-old boy ended his life through suicide. Kirk and Laura Smalley are convinced that school bullying was a critical factor in their son, Ty Field’s, decision to end his own short life. Through this tragedy, the Smalleys, as well as a large support group, are trying to make a difference in school bullying prevention.
The Smalleys, with the help of Mark Brennaman of Education Advocacy Group sent a letter recently to local school board members pushing for better training to help prevent bullying in schools. Although Perkins-Tyron Superintendent James Ramsey reports that there was no evidence Ty Field was being bullied at school, The Smalleys disagree and are fervent in their pursuit of change.
In the letter to school board members, Education Advocacy Group suggests the school district do five things to help prevent bullying in the future.
Mail a Safe Call Helpline brochure to all parents of students, teachers, administrators, and other staff.
Schedule a bullying prevention workshop next semester.
Place a link on the school’s website to the Oklahoma Safe Call Helpline.
Expand the district’s bullying policy to include bullying prevention education on a regular basis.
Invite the Smalleys to submit a written statement regarding their son’s death.
Superintendent Ramsey said the state Education Department will evaluate the school district’s bullying policy and then the recommended changes can be made. A large group of supporters plans to attend school board meetings until the bullying policy has been officially changed.
Like Kirk and Laura Smalley, do you feel your child is or has been bullied at school? Unfortunately for the Smalleys, the consequences were fatal, irreversible, and heartbreaking. Don’t let this be the fate of your child as well. Although the Smalleys chose not to seek legal action, many times it is the only way to see immediate results. Consult an Oklahoma personal injury lawyer at AMA Law to discuss if legal action could help in your situation. A child’s life is never worth gambling; seek help today.