Fraud charges can have serious consequences on your ability to go to work, spend time with your family, vote, take out a loan, or do other things you normally do. Whether due to a mistake, misunderstanding, or other reason, if the government accuses you of committing fraud, it is essential for you to take proactive steps to protect your legal rights. You can take on the full force of the government by yourself, but you may want to partner with a seasoned legal team who can help.
An Oklahoma City fraud lawyer at AMA Law welcomes the chance to get to know you and the situation you find yourself in. Our law firm provides unparalleled support throughout the legal process, including making our team available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via cell phone and text. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys are problem-solvers who seek to find targeted and creative solutions to help you achieve a favorable outcome.
In general terms, someone may commit fraud if they mislead another person to receive a benefit or get someone else to take action. For example, if someone fakes someone else’s signature to take out a loan, this may be a form of fraud. Likewise, under Oklahoma Statutes § 12-1507, it is illegal for an auctioneer to mislead people into thinking an item for sale is in good or mint condition when the property is actually damaged.
Someone may also be accused of fraud if they fudge the numbers in their personal or business accounts, such as when filing taxes or issuing stock. Other forms of fraud can include:
When people in Oklahoma City are accused of writing bad checks or not telling the truth for financial gain, they often benefit from working with an experienced fraud attorney. The laws around these charges are complex and fact-specific, requiring a trained eye to uncover the critical details. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can help people understand the accusations the government is making and how they can fight back.
The consequences of receiving a conviction for fraud depend on the specific circumstances. Likewise, the type of conviction (e.g., misdemeanor or felony) also impacts the sentence the person might receive. For example, misdemeanor fraud charges might include spending less than a year in jail or paying fines.
However, the person’s criminal record and mitigating or aggravating factors can also play a role in the final penalty. For example, if someone has multiple felony convictions, the government may try to increase their sentence. On the other hand, if this is the person’s first offense and there are little to no aggravating factors, they may be able to get a lighter consequence.
Our proactive Oklahoma City attorneys can help people develop a legal strategy to defend themselves against fraud charges. Likewise, they can also try to negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution to help reduce the impact of the charges on the accused person’s life.
When the government accuses you of fraud, you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the process and what it means for you going forward. You have a right to defend yourself and fight back against these accusations, but you do not have to go through it alone. Instead, you may find value in calling our firm’s legal professionals to assist and guide you.
Our legal team truly cares about the individual liberties of those facing criminal charges. AMA Law provides top-notch service with 24/7 support to connect with our clients in a responsive and personable way that other teams cannot. Call an Oklahoma City fraud lawyer at AMA Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.