Prostitution or solicitation of prostitution is unlawful and can mean facing jail time, fines, and a misdemeanor for a sex crime on your permanent criminal record. Convictions for sexual-related crimes carry a stigma and could have many negative consequences on your life and future.
If you face a sentence for offenses related to prostitution, you have options other than admitting guilt and serving the sentence. Call an Oklahoma City prostitution lawyer at AMA Law to learn more. Having our team of skilled criminal defense attorneys on your side could help you avoid a devastating case outcome.
Prostitution is the exchange of money or something of value for sexual acts, including sexual intercourse and oral sex. According to 21 Oklahoma Statutes § 21-1029, prostitution or the solicitation of prostitution is a criminal offense. In most cases, it is a misdemeanor offense. Penalties for the first-time offense could result in court-ordered community service, fines of up to $2,500, and 30 days to one year in jail.
However, when the case involves circumstances that place the public at risk, such as engaging in prostitution within 1000 feet of a school or church, the individual could face charges for a felony offense and much harsher penalties. The state carries a burden of proof for criminal cases and must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. A seasoned Oklahoma City prostitution attorney can answer questions about the applicable statutes and possible defense strategies during an initial consultation.
Some examples of prostitution and prostitution-related offenses in Oklahoma City include:
It is unlawful to sell, buy, or promote the sale of sex in Oklahoma. While many prostitution charges are misdemeanor offenses, any arrest involving the sex trade, pimping and pandering, or the exploitation of children are felonies and could mean up to 20 years of imprisonment.
There are various possible defense strategies for someone facing prostitution charges, and the case specifics will determine the most effective method to take. Some examples include:
An experienced prostitution lawyer in Oklahoma City can help determine the best defense and advocate on your behalf to reach the best potential outcome. They could help tailor an effective strategy to meet the unique needs of your case.
While facing charges or any criminal offense is frightening and stressful, you have the right to defend yourself in a court of law. If you face conviction for crimes related to prostitution, understanding your rights to build a strong defense strategy is essential. Whether facing charges for misdemeanor or felony prostitution-related charges, a sex crime conviction will have many negative consequences and appear any time you submit to a background check.
Call a hard-working Oklahoma City prostitution lawyer at AMA Law today to review your case and defense options. The more time you have to prepare a powerful defense, the higher your chance of reaching a positive outcome. Call today to schedule a free case consultation with one of our dedicated criminal defense lawyers.